Cool Shirt Tuesday 8

Lifting Weights
on Teepublic from designer WorkoutQuotes  


While perusing Teepublic’s extensive catalog of shirts, this one made me laugh. It still makes me laugh to this day, and is oddly appropriate for me personally to wear (which I’ve only done twice). Continue reading

Cool Shirt Tuesday 7

Bad Brains Skeleton
Bad Brains Merch Store


I say it often: Bad Brains is the coolest band of all time. Pretty sure everyone from Henry Rollins to the Beastie Boys to pro wrestler MVP would back me on this. A hardcore band that came up in the early 80’s, Bad Brains was made up of skilled, crazy black dudes. Not only did they play heavy punk; they’d pepper their set with reggae jams that even the skinhead audience members would groove to. I was fortunate to catch them in about 2006 at the House of Blues in Anaheim. They still kicked major ass. Continue reading

Cool Shirt Tuesday #5

Open Your Mind
Designed By: Fuacka 
T-Shirt Link 


Total Recall is one of my all-time favorite movies. Do I have to mention I’m referring to the 1990 Arnold Schwarzenegger original? I hope not. It wasn’t just a funny action movie; it also had a great cast and a mind-fuck plot. Continue reading

Cool Shirt Tuesday #4

He Knows Nothing
Designed By: CatchABrick


Did you see the Game of Thrones season 5 finale Sunday night? Holy crap! Don’t worry if you haven’t; I won’t spoil anything. This season has received an inordinate amount of hate. Maybe it’s from people who read the books and are now almost as in-the-dark as the rest of us. Maybe it’s from people who forget that storytelling – especially in a world like Westeros – has a lot of crap hitting a lot of fans to the point that very few people don’t get shit-faced. I’ve personally been as enthralled with this season as any before, even though a couple scenes were uncomfortable. Continue reading

Cool Shirt Tuesday #2

I Know Tofu
Designed by crula
T-Shirt Link 


I don’t eat meat or dairy. I haven’t in several years. I’m proud of this – like most of my lifestyle choices (working out regularly, no alcohol, etc.). And like most things I like, I want to represent them on a t-shirt. But unlike enjoying Legend of Zelda or Black Sabbath, for example, it’s a little preachy to sport a vegan t-shirt. That’s where this one comes in.
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Cool Shirt Tuesday #1

First, an introduction. I have quietly amassed a staggering collection of t-shirts. When I see a cool one, it’s really hard to pass up. You could say I wear my interests on my sleeve. If you wanted to. You probably don’t want to.

When I spot a deal, I tend to go off. You’d be surprised how many sites sell unique shirts every day for as low as $10, or have countless artist submissions based on pop culture subjects.

I have an album on Facebook of about 20 of my cool shirts. But I want to show more, damn it! So every Tuesday (Cool Shirt Tuesday) I’ll post a new picture of one of my shirts. And I’ll even include a link (if possible) so you can order one yourself!

Cool Shirt #1
Punch Out: King Hippo
Designed by dutyfreak

T-Shirt Link
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