What Does This Mean?

I finally crawled out of “da Nile,” toweled myself off, and dealt with the fact that this happened. And it made me pretty pissy. Here are my thoughts on the matter.

The “grab her by the pussy” guy won. The “I’ll jail my opponent” guy won. The “mocking a journalist with disabilities” guy won. The “I’m smart cuz I don’t pay taxes” guy won. The “I’d date my daughter” guy won. The “China made up global warming” guy won. The “I’ll punish the media who disagreed with me” guy won. The “Mexican immigrants are rapists” guy won. The “appalled that women menstruate” guy won. The “Putin has some good ideas” guy won. The “Muslims should not be allowed in here and those that are in will have to be labeled for easy identification” guy won. The “most failed businessman in modern times” guy won. The “border wall is my main plan” guy won. The “prisoners of war are losers” guy won. The “attack anyone who isn’t nice to him” guy won. The “endorsed by the KKK” guy won. Continue reading